Coming soon: appliances that turn the family's favorite room into command central Fridges that send grocery lists to Safeway via e-mail. Microwaves that "speed-cook" coffee when you say cafe. Although you may still be trying to figure out how to work your oven timer, appliance makers are getting ready to unveil products to solve problems you never knew you had. The verdict is still out on the cost-and on how many people want a voice-activated oven fluent in French--but here's what you can expect.
As if microwaves weren't easy enough to use, next year a Goldstar oven will come with a computer port to pull recipes off the Web: You won't have to key in power and cooking times. Samsung says its Intelligent Microwave ($600), scheduled to debut in January, will "read" directions off a frozen-food package with its barcode scanner, then cook the item automatically.
The GE Advantium oven, which uses halogen light-bulbs and microwaves to "speed-cook" food so it's juicy inside and crispy outside, will soon be able to respond to your voice. Whether you speak English, Spanish, or French, you can tell the oven you're cooking, say, pizza, and it will program time.
Next year, Whirlpool plans to roll out an Internet-connected dishwasher that "diagnoses" your appliance and automatically calls for a technician if the machine is on the fritz. Smart dishwashers will eventually include sensors that automatically dispense the right amount of soap for each load.
Some people check their e-mail the minute they get home; others make a beeline for the fridge. Soon, you'll be able to do both at once. Whirlpool, Maytag, Frigidaire, and GE are developing refrigerators with computers built into their doors. By scanning the bar codes on products, you can build grocery lists, which you can forward to e-grocers.
Sunbeam's new Thalia HomeHelper, a touch-sensitive kitchen console due out early next year, lets you control any household device that uses Home Link Technology (HLT) from the kitchen or office. Your TimeHelper Alarm Clock and HLT-Smart Coffeemaker can "talk" to each other, so your morning cup is ready precisely when you wake. Or, HomeHelper can alert you at work when the HLT-Smart Smoke/CO Detector alarm is activated.
When Sunbeam's HLT-Smart Stand Mixer hits stores next year, measuring cups may be out of work. The ten-speed mixer with scale weighs ingredients as they're added and tells you if you have the right amounts. Sunbeam predicts an affordable price.